A Ceramic coating is a semi-permanent paint protection product that won’t fade away like a car wax or paint sealant after a few car washes. Ceramic coatings are highly chemical-resistant, and abrasion is the only way to remove them; whether from a paint correction or general wear and tear from road debris. It can be easy to get caught up in manufacturers’ claims regarding how long a ceramic coating will last. However, it’s better to consider the number of annual miles a car travels and the climate. Weather conditions are a more significant factor in ceramic coating longevity than time.
Our Mini Bio

Hello, my name is Kevin, I am the business owner and operator of All Seasons Auto Boat & RV Detailing. I started detailing in 2012 as a way to make extra income, to save up for college.
In March of 2013, I decided to go into business and at the same time attend college. I was studying business management and found that the best teacher for business is in the real world. So I dropped out after my second semester and started really focusing on growing my small business.
Fast forward 11 years!
And we've been proudly serving our community with friendly, convenience, and quality detailing services!
I am absolutely ecstatic to continue serving everyone for many years to come!